Teen Driver's Guide to Car Maintenance for Safe and Reliable Driving

As a new teen driver, you're probably excited to hit the road and enjoy your newfound freedom. However, it's important to remember that driving comes with responsibilities, including the need for regular car maintenance. Regular maintenance not only keeps your car running smoothly but also ensures it's safe and reliable on the road. Here are some essential car maintenance tips from Deer Valley Driving School that every teen driver should know:

Don't Skip Oil Changes

Oil is the lifeblood of your car's engine, and regular oil changes keep it running smoothly. Old or dirty oil can cause engine damage and decrease performance, leading to a breakdown or accident. Check your vehicle's owner's manual for recommended oil change intervals, and don't skip them.

Take Care of Your Tires

Your car's tires are essential for safe driving, so it's crucial to maintain them properly. Check your tire pressure regularly and keep them inflated to the recommended levels. Also, check for signs of wear or damage, such as cracks or bulges. Replace your tires when they become worn or damaged to avoid the risk of a blowout or loss of control.

Brake Inspections are a Must

Your brakes are your car's most important safety feature, so it's essential to have them inspected regularly. Have your brakes inspected by a professional mechanic to ensure they're working correctly and replace brake pads or shoes when they become worn.

Keep Your Car Tuned Up

Regular tune-ups can help identify any potential issues with your vehicle before they become more significant problems. During a tune-up, a mechanic can inspect and replace worn spark plugs, filters, and other components that can affect your vehicle's performance.

Keep Your Battery in Check

Your car's battery is essential for starting the engine and powering your vehicle's electrical components. Check your battery's connections for corrosion and ensure it's charging correctly. Replace your battery if it's more than three years old or if you notice signs of decreased performance.

By prioritizing regular car maintenance, you can keep your vehicle in excellent condition and minimize the risk of accidents caused by vehicle malfunctions. At Deer Valley Driving School, we believe that safe and reliable driving starts with a well-maintained vehicle. Contact us today to learn more about our driving programs and how we can help you become a safer and more responsible driver.


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